Feb 13, 2025  
2020-2021 Academic Catalog 
2020-2021 Academic Catalog Archived Catalog

Admissions and Registration



Flathead Valley Community College has an “open door” policy for those who are 16 years or older. FVCC does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, religion, creed, disability, marital status, veteran status, national origin, gender, or sexual orientation. The admissions process is based on self-selection. FVCC encourages individuals who feel their educational needs will be met by the programs and services offered by the college to seek admission.

Admission to degree/certificate programs, except for selective programs, shall be open to anyone who has earned a high school diploma from an accredited high school or received a high school equivalency diploma. (See “Selective Program Admission” below.) Exceptions may be made for students enrolled in Running Start/Dual Enrollment programs. Exceptions will be approved by the Registrar. (See “Degree-Seeking Student Exceptions” below.)

Application Priority Deadline: FVCC accepts applications on a rolling basis but recommends that prospective students submit applications 10 business days prior to the start of the semester.  

The admission file, complete with all records listed below, must be provided to the Admissions and Registration Office.

For non-degree students, a complete admission file consists of the following:

  • A completed Application for Admission form;
  • Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) immunization records for anyone taking six or more credits a semester who was born on or after January 1, 1957; and
  • Residency verification when requested.

For degree-seeking students, a complete admission file consists of the following:

  • A completed Application for Admission form;
  • Official high school transcript, unless the student has completed an AA/AS or bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college;
  • Official copies of any and all college transcripts;
  • MMR immunization records for anyone born on or after January 1, 1957; and
  • Residency verification when requested.

Application records will be held for two years after submission, after which one must reapply and resubmit all records.

Selective Program Admission: FVCC has additional requirements for selective programs. To be considered for selective program admission, applications must be submitted to the Admissions and Registration Office by the appropriate deadlines. Currently, selective programs include the following:

  • Brewing Science and Brewery Operations;
  • Culinary Arts and Catering;
  • Firearms Finishing;
  • Firearms Technology;
  • Medical Assistant;
  • Medical Laboratory Technician;
  • Paramedicine;
  • Physical Therapist Assistant;
  • Practical Nursing;
  • Radiologic Technology;
  • Registered Nursing; and
  • Surgical Technology.

Application deadlines and requirements for admission into selective programs vary by program. Contact the Student Support Center by calling (406) 756-3880 for more information.

Placement Tests

Degree-seeking students, as well as any students planning to enroll in math, English, or classes with placement prerequisites are required to complete placement tests. Testing information can be found at www.fvcc.edu/placement and in the Student Portal. The tests are used for placement purposes only.

Advisors use placement test scores to determine accurate course placements in order to maximize students’ opportunities for success. Test scores guide placement in specific courses, as well as evaluate preparation for courses with significant reading demands. Scores are not kept on students transcripts and do not impact grades.

Call the Student Support Center at (406) 756-3880 for more information about placement tests.

FVCC Enrollment for Home-Schooled Students and Students under the Age of 16.

Applicants under the age of 16 are required to

  1. Contact the Registrar by calling (406) 756-3845 to petition the Admissions and Registration Office for an exception.
  2. Complete the following:
    1. Provide written permission from parents;
    2. Complete placement testing and call (406) 756-3880 to meet with a Student Support Center advisor and have scores evaluated to determine college readiness;
    3. Submit a non-degree Application for Admission form and provide required immunization records; and
    4. Obtain instructors’ signatures before registering for classes.
  3. Acknowledge the following guidelines:
    1. A maximum of six credits can be taken the first term;
    2. Students will be enrolled as “non-degree” status until reaching 16 years of age and successfully completing the GED/HiSET or high school equivalency diploma. At that point, students can be enrolled as “degree” status;
    3. Because of federal regulations, financial aid is not available until students reach 16 years of age; and
    4. An instructor in any course can recommend withdrawal if students are not socially and/or emotionally mature enough to fully benefit or if their participation should in any way slow the normal progress of the class.

An applicant who is 16 years of age or older, or has graduated from a religious/private school not accredited by the state of Montana, is required to provide the following:

  1. Completed Application for Admission form and required immunization records;
  2. GED/HiSET certificate or high school equivalency diploma or proof of completion of FVCC placement tests. Call the Student Support Center at (406) 756-3880 to schedule an appointment for test score evaluation to determine college readiness; and
  3. Complete financial aid forms if applying for financial aid.

Admission of International Students

Flathead Valley Community College is authorized under federal law to enroll non-immigrant alien students. Each international applicant is required to furnish the following in order to be considered for admission as a full-time, degree-seeking student:

  1. Completed International Student Application for Admission. (There is no cost associated with this application.)
  2. Proof of English Proficiency: FVCC accepts TOEFL, IELTS, EIKEN, ELS scores from accredited testing services. A minimum 61 IBT (internet-based) TOEFL test (or equivalent) are acceptable standards. (Note: Canadian students are not required to submit English proficiency scores.)
  3. Proof of completion of the equivalent of an American high school education.
  4. Certificate of Financial Responsibility: This financial guarantee can be either a “Declaration of Finances” or other evidence of funds necessary to cover the annual cost of attendance at FVCC (approximately $18,200), or, if sponsored by a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, a USCIS Affidavit of Support (Form I-134).
  5. Physician-validated immunization record for two separate vaccinations for measles, mumps, rubella, and a tuberculosis skin test.
  6. Current evidence of a student accident and sickness insurance policy for each semester at FVCC must be presented before a student can start attending classes.
  7. Copy of valid passport (and, if applicable, student visa).

After an applicant has submitted all of the above items, his/her admission file will be reviewed. Upon acceptance, FVCC will issue an I-20 Certificate of Eligibility for non-immigrant “F-1” or “M-1”student status, which will allow the applicant to obtain a student visa at the U.S. Embassy of his/her home country. Depending on the applicant’s country of origin, this process may take a minimum of six weeks.

International students transferring from other U.S. institutions should contact the Director of Global Programs directly at international@fvcc.edu to obtain admission and I-20 transfer instructions.

All international students pay out-of-state tuition.

Degree-Seeking Student Exceptions to Admissions

Students who apply for degree-seeking status and are unable to provide verification of high school graduation or equivalent may be enrolled as a degree-seeking student if they meet all of the following conditions:

  1. Unable to provide high school graduation or equivalent due to extreme circumstances (e.g., left high school/home school without graduating, high school records are no longer available, etc.);
  2. Initially enrolls as a non-degree student and passes a minimum of 50% of the required credits within his/her intended program of study; 
  3. In good academic standing (2.0 or better cumulative grade point average);
  4. Applicant Status is recorded as “Provisional Admit (No HS)” status; and
  5. If planning to transfer, the student is responsible for contacting the transfer institution regarding their requirements for admission.

Financial Aid may not be available. Students should contact the Financial Aid Office for more information.

Students currently enrolled in FVCC’s Running Start program and/or enrolled in high school, home school, or a high school equivalency program do not qualify for this exception and must graduate from high school or the equivalent before applying as a degree-seeking student.  Students meeting the FVCC degree requirements prior to graduating from high school can apply for FVCC graduation if their high school graduation date falls within the semester and confirmation is received; otherwise, they will apply for FVCC graduation in a semester after their high school graduation date.

Running Start


The Running Start program provides eligible high school juniors, seniors, and those students at least 16 years of age the opportunity to get an affordable “running start” on their college education with classes offered at a significantly reduced cost. Students eligible for Running Start will be assessed the appropriate reduced tuition until the student graduates from high school or home school, or through age 19, whichever occurs first.  High school students can elect to earn only college credit while enrolled in the Running Start program.

Classes taken as part of the Running Start program are limited to college-level classes numbered 100 or above.

Students must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher at FVCC to continue in the Running Start program. Running Start courses are the beginning of the student’s college education and will remain on the student’s college transcript.

Each participating high school determines course acceptance and credit equivalency.

For more information regarding enrollment procedures, contact the Running Start Program Director at (406) 756-3923 or eromain@fvcc.edu.


Montana law requires immunization records from all degree-seeking students, and non-degree-seeking students registering for more than five credits, born on or after January 1, 1957. Proof of two doses of measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) immunizations must be provided before students can be allowed to register for more than five credits. To fulfill this requirement, applicants must meet the following guidelines:

  1. If high school records of immunization are not available, records from physicians’ offices or health departments may be substituted with official signatures to verify authenticity.
  2. If no records are available, applicants must comply with one of the following options: (1) get immunized and submit written medical verifications signed by licensed physicians, (2) provide notarized religious forms or medical exemption forms, or (3) provide blood test results showing immunity.


FVCC classifies in-state students as those who are either in-district (Flathead or Lincoln County residents) or out-of-district (Montana residents outside of Flathead or Lincoln County).

Out-of-state students are those individuals who are not Montana residents nor are dependents of Montana residents, or are students who are real property taxpayers in Montana but are not Montana residents.

Requirements for In-State Residency (In-District or Out-of-District):

To be considered in-state (in-district or out-of-district) for admissions and tuition, status is granted to those students who have demonstrated over a period of time that their permanent residence is Montana, a state which they have supported through the payment of appropriate taxes. To be considered, a student must meet the requirements listed below to qualify for in-state status:

  1. A student must be physically present in Montana for twelve or more consecutive months without an absence in excess of a total of thirty days. One must demonstrate by appropriate actions during the twelve month period the intent to make Montana one’s permanent home.
  2. Specific actions to become a Montana resident include
  • Obtain a Montana driver’s license, or a Montana State ID within the required legal time limit.
    • A student cannot apply for in-state residency with a current driver’s license from another state
  • If a person owns a motor vehicle in Montana, license the vehicle in Montana within the required legal time limit.
  • Register to vote in Montana
    • An individual must register to vote in Montana if she or he expects to exercise the right to vote.
  • Purchase a principal residence where a Montana title is obtained
  • File a resident Montana income tax return

     3. During the 12 month period of establishing Montana residency, a student must remain enrolled in seven or fewer credits per semester.

There are additional regulations for special circumstances and/or exemptions to the for in-state residency which are listed on www.fvcc.edu/residency .

In addition to the in-state Montana residency requirements, in-district students must also fulfill one of the following criteria to be considered in-district for tuition purposes:

  • Live in the college district of Flathead or Lincoln Country for one continuous year; or
  • Maintain dependency upon parents who have a permanent residence in the college district for one continuous year; or
  • Own, reside, and pay taxes on real property located within the college district; or
  • Maintain dependency upon parents who own, reside, and pay taxes on real property located within the college district.

For more information, students should refer to www.fvcc.edu/residency. Students can request a change in residency status and may obtain the form and more information from the Admission & Registration Office in BH 111 or or online at www.fvcc.edu/residency.

Requesting a Change in Residency

For tuition and fee purposes, a student requesting a change in residency status is required to abide by the following process and submit the required form and documentation by the 15th business day of the semester in which the student wants the change in residency www.fvcc.edu/residency:

  1. Remain in part-time status (seven or fewer credits per semester) for the first year when seeking in-state residency. Residency cannot be established while taking eight or more credits a semester.
  • Current Montana residents who are out-of-district students seeking Flathead in-district residency may take more than seven credits/semester.

    2. Submit the following required documentation after one year’s residency in Montana

  • Residency Change Request Form
    • Attach Supporting Documentation

    3. Submit all the required form and documentation to the Admissions & Registration Office:

Blake Hall, Room 111

RE: Residency Change Request

777 Grandview Drive, Kalispell, MT 59901


All requests are reviewed by the Residency Committee within ten business days of receipt. Students will be notified via email and phone of the decision. Any appeals to the residency decision will be reviewed by FVCC administration. 

If you have additional question or need assistance please contact the Admission & Registration Office in Blake Hall, Room 111 or email admissionsinfo@fvcc.edu.

Please note: Although closely aligned with the Montana University Systems (MUS) residency policy (Montana University System Residency Requirements), FVCC residency policy is separate from the Montana University System. Any student establishing Montana residency with the intent to transfer to another Montana university or college, should contact the transfer institution and be informed of their residency requirements.

Residency Exchange/WUE

Flathead Valley Community College participates in the Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE), a program of the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education and other western states. Through WUE, certain students not residing in Montana may enroll in designated programs at FVCC at the in-state tuition rate plus 50 percent (plus other fees that are paid by all students).

Application must be made to the Admissions and Registration Office by the 15th business day from the start of fall and spring semesters, or 10th business day of summer semester. WUE participants must maintain their home state’s residency, maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA, and remain enrolled in an FVCC WUE eligible program of study or be a fully online non-degree-seeking student.

WUE participating states are Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Hawaii (four-year colleges only), Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. Because FVCC participates in the WUE program, residents of Montana may enroll under the same terms in designated institutions and programs in other participating states.

Students attending under the WUE classification are not allowed to calculate the time as a WUE student toward gaining in-district or in-state residency. 

Information about WUE programs may be obtained from https://www.wiche.edu/wue.

Montana residents may obtain information about WUE programs in other states from The Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education, 2500 Broadway, Helena, MT 59620, (406) 444-6570; or from WICHE Student Exchange Program, P.O. Drawer P, Boulder, CO 80301-9752, (303) 497-0210.



How to Register

To register for classes, a student is required to

  1. Complete an Application for Admission. If it has been two or more years since a student last attended FVCC, he or she must complete a Readmit Application for Admission, available at www.fvcc.edu/apply;
  2. Review placement requirements in the Student Portal, under “Admissions Status, Placements” and, if necessary, enroll in the online Reading and Writing Placement test and/or take the Math Placement in the Foundational Math Center;
  3. Review the semester course schedule online at www.fvcc.edu/schedule; and
  4. Meet with a Student Support Center advisor for new degree-seeking students; meet with their assigned advisor for returning students. Returning students can find their assigned advisor in the Student Portal. The advisor is listed on the homepage. To schedule an appointment with a Student Support Center advisor call (406) 756-3880. 

The Registrar or Director of Student Services is required to approve course loads over 18 credits.

Non-degree students can register by mail, fax at (406) 756-3965, or online via the Student Portal. Registrations are required to be accompanied by check, money order, VISA, Master Card, Discover, or American Express.

Students are required to make arrangements for payment of tuition and fees.  See the Academic Calendar  for specific dates and deadlines.

Account balances are required to be paid before the end of the semester. A deferred payment plan is available. Students with unpaid account balances will not receive grades, transcripts, diplomas, or other academic documents until the account balances are paid. Visit the Business Services Office in BH 132 or call (406) 756- 3831 for additional information.

A student who registers or adds class after the third week of the semester is charged a $40 late registration fee. For short or late starting classes, a late fee will be charged to a student who registers for the class after it has begun.

Student ID cards can be obtained from the Business Services Office. 


Registration dates vary by semester. See the Academic Calendar   for specific dates and deadlines.

All registrations should be completed by the first day of the semester. Schedule changes will be accepted through the second week, but permission from the instructor will be required to register for classes after the first week of the semester. New semester registrations will not be accepted after the second week of the semester for full-semester classes. Refer to the Academic Calendar   for specific registration dates and deadlines.

Only registered students are permitted to attend class. Any exceptions must be approved in advance by the Dean of Student Affairs.

Online Registration

Online Registration is available via the Student Portal. Students should visit the Student Support Center / (406) 756-3880 or the Admissions and Registration Office / (406) 756-3848 for assistance in registering online.

Registration Hold

Students who have not submitted required documents, failed to complete a required training including but not limited to sexual assault prevention, or have an outstanding balance, will receive a registration hold which will prevent them from registering for the current and/or future semesters until the issue has been resolved.

Sexual Assault Prevention Course and AlcoholEdu

All new degree-seeking students are required to complete a sexual assault prevention course: Sexual Prevention for Undergraduates (SAPU) or Sexual Assault Prevention for Adult Learners (SAPAL) if  21 years of age or older.  Additionally, all new degree-seeking students 21 years of age or younger are required to complete AlcoholEdu, an alcohol abuse prevention course, prior to registering for future classes. All students 22 years of age or older are welcome and encouraged, but not required, to complete AlcoholEdu.  Additionally, all students are welcome to complete Transit, a financial literacy program. These courses are available online via the Student Portal.

Change of Class Schedule

During the first week of classes, students can make course changes online via the Student Portal.

After the first week of classes, students must submit a Course Drop/Add form from the Admissions and Registration Office. The completed form must be turned into the Admissions and Registration Office by the posted deadlines for the schedule change to occur. See the academic calendar  for specific dates and deadlines.

Refunds for dropped courses are determined by the refund schedule . Added classes will be charged full tuition and fees.

A student who receives financial aid or veterans’ benefits is required to have the Financial Aid Director and/or Veterans’ Certifying Official sign the Course Drop/Add form.

The last day to drop a class is indicated on the academic calendar . Students who wish to drop a class without the class appearing on their transcripts are required to drop the class during the first three weeks of the semester. (The above information applies to classes that meet the full length of fall and spring semesters.) Failure to attend class DOES NOT constitute withdrawal.

In order to prevent dropped summer semester classes and short- or late-starting classes from appearing on students’ transcripts, students are required to drop the class during its refund period. (See refund schedule .)

No refunds will be granted for full-length semester classes dropped after the second week of the semester. (See refund schedule .)

Change of Major

Enrolled students who wish to change their major must submit a change online via the Student Portal within 30 business days of the start of the semester.  After this date, the major change will be posted for the next semester.

Cancellation of Courses

FVCC reserves the right to cancel any course through the first week of the class due to low enrollment.

Changes in Student Records

The maximum time frame to petition a revision/change to student transcripts or records is within one year of the semester in question. For name changes, the student must provide official documentation, such as court documents, updated social security card, or valid driver’s license.

Eagle Mail

A student email account, called Eagle Mail, is the college’s official means of communication with all students. The college reserves the right to send official communications to students by email with the full expectation that students receive and read emails in a timely fashion. Email may not be used for unlawful activities.

Students are expected to check their FVCC Eagle Mail accounts frequently and consistently to stay current with college-related communications.

Faculty may assume a student’s official college email is a valid mechanism for communication. Students who “forward” the FVCC student email account to a private (unofficial) email address outside the official college network address do so at their own risk. The college is not responsible or liable for any difficulties that may occur in the proper or timely transmission or access of email forwarded to any unofficial email address. Any such problems will not absolve students of the responsibility to know and comply with the content of official communications sent to official FVCC student email addresses.

Use of a private account requires students to keep the account active and available to receive messages. FVCC is not responsible nor will be held liable for lost or deleted email due to account closures or storage restrictions.

For questions concerning Eagle Mail, please contact the IT Help Desk at (406) 756-3930 or helpdesk@fvcc.edu.