Feb 16, 2025  
2023-2024 Academic Catalog 
2023-2024 Academic Catalog Archived Catalog

Education: Secondary Education-Broadfield Science transfer to Salish Kootenai College

In Montana, those desiring to become secondary teachers (grades 5-12) must pursue a bachelor degree in a certifiable major, often with a minor, from a four-year college or university. Most four-year institutions in Montana offer secondary teaching degrees, but offerings for majors and minors vary from school to school. Secondary education students can complete two years of study at FVCC in most majors. 

Transfer Articulation Agreement

Through a partnership with Salish Kootenai College, students who complete the course of study outlined below within the terms of the agreement will be granted junior status upon transferring to Salish Kootenai College to complete a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Secondary Science Education-Broadfield Science. Upon acceptance to the SKC Division of Education, students will complete an additional 105 quarter credits from Salish Kootenai College to complete the Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Secondary Science Education - Broadfield Science program. Upon completion of the program courses and the meeting of all graduation requirements including the general education requirements, a Bachelor of Science in Secondary Science Education - Broadfield Science will be awarded by Salish Kootenai College. This degree will lead to a recommendation for licensure from the State of Montana provided all state requirements for licensure are also met.

Associate of Science Degree

Suggested course of study for transfer to Salish Kootenai College:

First Year-Fall Semester

First Semester Total: 18

Spring Semester

Second Semester Total: 18

Third Semester Total: 17

Spring Semester

Fourth Semester Total: 17

Total Credits at FVCC for AS degree: 70

General Education Courses

Click below to see General Education course options: 

General Education Requirements  

Upper Division Course of Study at Salish Kootenai College

Upon completing the AS degree listed above and obtaining acceptance into the Salish Kootenai College Division of Education, students will complete the following courses to complete a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Secondary Education-Broadfield Science:

Courses at SKC Credits
Third Year - Fall Quarter  
EDUC 204 - Orientation to Education 1
EDUC 240 - Human Growth and Development 4
EDUC 178 - Exploratory Field Experience 1
PHYS 201 - College Physics I 5
ASTR 110N - Introduction to Astronomy 3
MATH 110 - Calculus I 5
Winter Fall Quarter  
NASD 210 - Introduction to Indigenous Science 3
EDUC 342 - Literacy Strategies in Secondary Education 3
EDUC 343 - Literacy Strat in Secondary Education Practicum 1
PHYS 203 - College Physics II 5
EDUC 337 - Introduction to Special Education 3
EDUC 206 - Introduction to Secondary Science Teaching 3
Spring Fall Quarter  
BIOS 130 - Introduction to Microbiology 4
BIOS 131 - Introduction to Microbiology Lab 1
PHYS 205 - College Physics III 5
SCID 301 - Conduct & Reporting Scientific Research 3
EDUC 312 - Diversity Practicum 1
EDUC 311 - Cultural Diversity and Educational Ethics 3
EDUC 207 - Health Safety & Drug Awareness 3
Fourth Year - Fall Quarter  
EDUC 307 - Curriculum, Planning and Assessment 4
EDUC 313 - Sec Class Management 3
LFSC 230 - Mammalian Physiology 5
CHEM 140 - Fund of Organic/Bio Chemistry 5
Winter Quarter  
NATR 240 - Weather & Climate 3
EDUC 395 -  Teaching Science in Sec. Class II 2
NATR 441 - Conservation Biology 3
EDUC 393 - Transition to Student Teaching 3
EDUC 221 - Parent & Community Partner 2
HPED 125 - First Aid & CPR 1
EDUC 471 - Action Research in Education 3
Spring Quarter  
EDUC 491 - Student Teaching in Secondary Education 12
EDUC 495 - Reflective Practices and Research in Education 2


Advising Information:

For more information about this program, contact the advisor.

Academic Advisor
Jori Bullemer
LRC 129
(406) 756-39050