Mar 31, 2025  
2023-2024 Academic Catalog 
2023-2024 Academic Catalog Archived Catalog

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AHPT 295 - Clinical: Experience III

Credit(s): 4

Prerequisite(s): AHPT 101 , AHPT 201 , AHPT 205 , AHPT 206 , AHPT 210 , AHPT 213 , AHPT 215 , AHPT 218 , and AHPT 220 .
Corequisite(s): AHPT 225 .
This is the third of three full-time clinical experiences during which the student develops proficiency in physical therapy procedures, understanding of clinical responsibilities and supervisory relationships with a minimum competence necessary to graduate as an entry-level physical therapist assistant and become an active participant of the health care team. This course will include a six-week clinical rotation at an approved site. (Summer Semester)

Course Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the course, students will be able to
  • Demonstrate communication skills (verbal, nonverbal, and written) with patients, families, peers and supervisors through the utilization of effective teaching skills, by responding appropriately to patients’ feelings by demonstrating respect for the patients’ differences, values, and preferences, by adapting appropriate verbal communication levels and giving effective commands to obtain desired responses and to achieve patient outcomes based on the plan of care in an accurate, timely and concise manner.
  • Adhere to legal practice standards, including all federal, state, and institutional regulations related to patient/client care and fiscal management.
  • With direction from the supervising physical therapist and/or clinical instructor, recognize and report to appropriate authorities suspected cases of abuse of vulnerable populations.
  • Demonstrate professionalism by performing the duties of a student physical therapist assistant in a manner consistent with the Guide for Conduct of the Physical Therapist Assistant (APTA), the Standards of Ethical Conduct (APTA), and the APTA’s Values Based Behaviors for the Physical Therapist Assistant , to meet the expectations of patients, members of the physical therapy profession, and other providers.
  • If confronted with an ethical situation, implement, with guidance from the supervising physical therapist and/or clinical instructor, a plan of action that is congruent with core professional ethics and values.
  • Demonstrate the ability to apply current knowledge and theory, integrating evidence based resources as well as the patient/client perspective to support sound clinical decision-making and judgement to progress the patient within the plan of care established by the physical therapist.
  • Effectively educate patients/clients, caregivers, and co-workers using teaching methods that respond to the needs of the individual or group.
  • Participate in patient-centered interprofessional collaborative care through activities such as planning and organizational meetings, patient care conferences, observations of other health care disciplines, and co-treatments.
  • Demonstrate entry level competence in implementation of the following data collection skills as assigned/available during the clinical experience: Range of motion (passive and active/functional) using appropriate measurement device, Muscle performance (manual muscle testing, muscle length, muscle tone), Anthropometric measurements (height, weight, length, girth), Pain level and positions/activities that aggravate or alleviate pain  , Joint integrity and mobility, Integumentary integrity, Vital signs, Aerobic capacity and endurance (response to activity/exercise, positional changes), Posture, Mental functions (arousal, mentation, cognition), Self-care status (home safety and functional status including administration of standardized assessments), Patient/client’s or caregiver’s ability to safely and properly use assistive technology devices, Safety and status in gait, locomotion, and balance, Neuromotor development (gross and fine motor milestones, equilibrium reactions), Ventilation, respiration, and circulation (signs and symptoms of distress, thoracoabdominal movements, breathing patterns, cough and sputum characteristics).  
  • Demonstrate entry level competence in implementation of the following components of treatment interventions as assigned/available during the clinical experience within the plan of care established by the physical therapist: Passive range of motion, active range of motion, active assistive range of motion, Therapeutic exercise (i.e. stretching, strengthening, functional movements), Balance training, Gait training, Patient/client education, Use of assistive/adaptive devices, Use of orthotic/prosthetic devices, Transfers and bed mobility/positioning, Self-care training, Standard isolation precautions, Wound management (knowledge of precautions and application/removal of dressing or agent), Sterile technique and sterile field, Compression therapies, Hydrotherapy, Biofeedback, Superficial thermal agents, Deep thermal agents, Electrotherapeutic agents (e.g. TENS, IFC, NMES, etc.), Mechanical/manual traction, Light therapies (e.g. laser, shortwave diathermy, UV), Manual therapy techniques/soft tissue mobilization,Cryotherapies, Contrast bath, Breathing exercises, secretion mobilization, coughing techniques.
  • Review medical documentation and interview patients/clients, caregivers, and family to obtain current information related to prior and current level of function and general health status in order to ensure safety and appropriateness of interventions within the plan of care under the direction of the supervising physical therapist.
  • Complete accurate, timely, and thorough documentation of treatment interventions that meets the needs of the healthcare facility, legal, and reimbursement requirements, taking into consideration the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) to describe a patient’s/client’s impairments, activity and participation limitations.
  • Communicate with the supervising physical therapist and/or Clinical Instructor an understanding of the plan of care developed by the physical therapist to achieve short and long term goals and intended outcomes.
  • Demonstrate competency in reviewing health records (e.g., lab values, diagnostic tests, specialty reports, narrative, consults, and physical therapy documentation) prior to carrying out the PT plan of care.
  • Monitor and adjust interventions in the plan of care in response to patient/client status and clinical indications and report any changes in patient/client status or progress to the supervising physical therapist.
  • Recognize when an intervention should not be performed due to clinical indications or when the direction to perform the intervention is beyond that which is appropriate for the physical therapist assistant.
  • Contribute to the discontinuation of episode of care planning as directed by the supervising physical therapist.
  • Participate in routine administrative procedures of the clinic, including accurate and timely submission of billing information, patient scheduling and coordination with other staff members, and participates in established quality improvement activities (e.g. productivity, length of stay, referral patterns, and reimbursement trends).
  • Respond to patient/client and environmental emergencies that commonly occur in the clinical setting.
  • Present an educational in-service that meets the needs and interests of the clinical facility, utilizing appropriate evidence-based resources to support conclusions and recommendations.
  • Discuss with your clinical instructor the benefits of participation in professional organizations (such as the APTA) and community organizations that provide opportunities physical therapist assistants to engage in volunteerism, professional advocacy, and leadership.
  • Identify career development and lifelong learning opportunities, including the role of the physical therapist assistant in the clinical education of physical therapist assistant students.
  • Achieve “Entry Level” competency on the Clinical Performance Instrument (CPI) for all items applicable to the clinical setting and dependent upon available opportunities in that setting.

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